Sunday, April 6, 2008

Braeden's been tagged!!

O.k. I am finally getting around to doing this! Brayden and Layna have tagged Braeden!
Amy's blog is great and I LOVE pics of her kiddos!

SO here are ten things about Braeden:
1. Braeden LOVES music. He is the most musical baby that I have ever seen. He has GREAT rhythm.
2. Braeden does this karate chop thing if he doesn't want to do something. It basically means, GO AWAY!
3. Braeden LOVES balloons. I mean bordering on obsession. If he sees a balloon, he MUST have it.
4. Braeden LOVES the bathtub. He loves to splash and take footballs and playground balls INTO the tub. We try to stop him but he just gives us the Karate chop!
5. Braeden is a GREAT snuggler. He will always take time to snuggle with us each day!
6. Braeden remembers EVERYTHING. If he does something with his Grandmom, he will remember it MONTHS later and ask to do it again! If he sees something in a house, he will remember it MONTHS later.
7. Braeden goes to bed at 7:45. If he stays up past then, he becomes a LOON.
8. Braeden STILL drinks a bottle. He does not mind if you tell him ONLY babies drink bottles. He just says, "Pass the BaBa."
9. Braeden likes to play in his sisters' room the best. He LOVES their rug and will lay on it and smile the BIGGEST smile.
10. Braeden is the LIGHT of Mommy's life and he KNOWS it! HE has me wrapped around his finger!!!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank you, Easter Bunny!!

Braeden had a wonderful time on Easter. He discovered his love of HAM! I mean big time LOVE! It was too cute. He also discovered his love for his cousin, Madison!!

Tomorrow Mommy has to go back to work. Boo!!! I wish I could stay at home with Braeden ALL the time!! Hint...Hint...Daddy!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mr. Silly Makes a Comeback...

Braeden is VERY into being silly lately. He talks in a very strange deep voice. We're not sure who he is being??? He crosses his eyes, even though Mommy repeatedly tells him not to. He ROARS at strangers. Yes, he is scary. He dances, plays the drums, and ROCKS OUT often. He climbs in the toy box. He colors on people's heads.
Let's just say this little man is FEELING GOOD!

We didn't tell him that his shirt was on backward. Haha.

He LOVES his Daddy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day...Hubba Hubba!

Mi Amor...Have these flowers as a token of my love...

No, no, you MUST take the flower!

I will now give you my bedroom eyes...

I am a Latin Lover!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Iria hasta los extremos de la Tierra por ti.

I read this today. It means...I would go to the ends of the earth for you.
True, my pablito.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I love Braeden!!!

I love our little boy more than life itself! He is the sweetest, funniest little boy I know!
This week...he loves MONSTERS (ROOOOOOOR), crayons, and our NEW Laurie CD!!! We do the Monster wiggle, the Monster wiggle!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hello, again!!

Daddy, you're the greatest!!

Oh, no, Mommy!! YOU'RE the greatest!!!


Silly boy!!

We have been very busy with getting things ready for our three new additions! Braeden has been doing wonderfully! He is walking so much more and he talks away all day (too bad we're not sure what he is saying...i'm sure it is VERY important, though.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Hello, everyone!
PLEASE check out our new blog:
Let's just say...the name says it ALL!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

We're jazzing things up!

Well, it's a new year...we've got a new look!
Braeden got a hair cut. Mommy got a hair cut! We are all stylin' in '08!!